We are excited to announce that this page will feature all the videos and pictures taken by participants during the B4B Annual Workshop and Special Celebration, held at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge from September 9th to 11th, 2024.

The event was filled with insightful lectures, engaging discussions, and memorable moments as we celebrated the legacy of Dr. David J. Begley. From thought-provoking presentations to lively interactions among participants, the workshop truly embodied the spirit of collaboration and innovation.

If you captured any special moments and would like to share your photos or videos, please send them to c.bellettato@gmail.com. Your contributions will help us create a comprehensive gallery that reflects the vibrancy of this significant event.

Stay tuned for the upcoming media showcase, and thank you for being a part of such a remarkable experience!


Please click

Here to see the Video Tribute to David


Here  to see the shared photos taken during the meeting!!!