On February 5-7th, 2015, we will have the 9th B4B Workshop in Frankfurt. The meeting aims to discuss on:
- Research achievements in the field of neurodegenerative disorders at clinical and basic science level in the field of neurodegenerative lysosomal storage disorders and Blood Brain Barrier;
- New recent advances on natural history and pathophysiology of LSDs particular attention to the important role of an early intervention in preventing the morbidity and mortality associated with each of the disorders;
- Factors which control the entry into the brain of medicines and other therapeutic agents which may be helpful in treating central nervous disease;
- How B4B might collaborate with the European Union to stimulate interest in the research on LSDs and BBB. For this reasons representatives from EU Commission will be invited;
- Collaborations with international family associations and corporations to increase knowledge about storage diseases and research projects;
- The role of the industries in driving innovation for new therapeutical approaches for true unmet needs.
In particular a special session dedicated to B4B and InNerMeD European Action is scheduled for Saturday 7th February. This moment represents a great opportunity for presenting detailed information and updating about InNerMeD-I project recent achievements and discussing the importance of actively participating to InNerMeD-I Information Network. An enlarged Partners collaboration and the establishment of a joint effort to tackle iNMDs, is in fact essential to ensure that patients are given the priority they deserve and that their needs are met.
Please stay tuned for more updated info.